November 10 Toktok

The air is definitely becoming gradually thicker and the breathing easier.  And it helps to be going downhill most of the day.  We descended the big hill below Namche, passing the first (last) view of Everest.  Then down into the depths of the gorge.  It is nice to see the green fields, fresh flowers, the newly harvested potatoes, and more people.
River Far Below

Although I still cannot talk, have an annoying cough, and am draining an awful yellow mucus, I am feeling a lot better.  Dinner tonight was outstanding.  Our cood staff purchased some fresh chickens, and made delicious baked chicken, enough for everyone.  It was seasoned with a spicy covering and baked to tender perfection.  I don't know how they do it.  They also made a decorated birthday cake, which was dense and not too sweet, but tasty and a real treat.


The kids at Toktok were especially cute.   None of the kids seemed to be supervised.  In general, they were very well behaved.
Kids with Puppies

These girls were determined to entertain us.

After dinner the staff participated in some sherpa dancing.  Purba was in charge, and would sing the verse, and then the whole staff would join in for the chorus.  Each one of the songs seemed to have about 10 verses.  Then they would switch to another song, with its own 10 verses.  This went on for an hour or more.  Most of the staff joined in the dancing -- it looked like they were all enjoying themselves, rather than putting on a show for us. 

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